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유은혜 (Yoo,Eun-hye)

유은혜 (Yoo,Eun-hye)

직위/직책 부교수 이메일 eyoo@ssu.ac.kr
연구실 조만식기념관 727호 연락처 02-820-0499
전공 인터넷 사회운동, 세계화, 정치 사회학
​ 연세대학교 사회학과 졸업
​ Univ Minnesota -Twin Cities대학원 사회학과 졸업(Ph.D.)
Job Experience
 University of Minnesota Teaching Assistance
 University of Minnesota Research Assistance
​ 연세대학교, 성균관대학교, 경희대학교 시간 강사
Main Research Achievements
​ " 인권사회학 방법론 " , 박경태, 정진성 외,인권사회학

 "International Human Rights Regime, Neoliberalism, and Cultural Context: Women's Social Rights, 1984-2004"

 "The Impact of Domestic and Transnational Conditions on Women's Rights"

​ "love thy neighbor : explaning aslyum seeking and hosting“

 Yoo, Eunhye and Elizabeth H. Boyle. "Human Trafficking Policies and Legal Professional Organizations." Conditional Acceptance at Law and Social Inquiry

​ Yoo,Eunhye and Jeong-­Woo Koo. 2014. "Love thy neighbor: Explaining asylum seeking and hosting, 19822008." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 55, no. 1 (2014): 45-­72.

​ Yoo, Eunhye. 2013. "Data Privacy Law and International Human Rights Regime: An Event

​ History Analysis on the Diffusion of Data Privacy Law, 1960-­2011." Korean Social Policy 20(3): 117-­140. [ in Korean]

​ Yoo, Eunhye. 2012. "The Impact of Domestic and Transnational Conditions on Women's Rights." Politics & Gender 7(3): 304-­340.

​ Yoo, Eunhye. 2011. “International Human Rights Regime, Neoliberalism, and Cultural Contexts: Women’s Social Rights, 1984-­2004.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 52(6): 504-­529.

 Yoo, Eun‐hye, and Elizabeth Heger Boyle. 2014."National human trafficking initiatives: dimensions of policy diffusion." Law & Social Inquiry 40(3): 631-663.


 Yoo, Eunhye. 2012. "The Impact of Domestic and Transnational Conditions on Women's Rights." Politics & Gender 7(3): 304-­ ‐ 340.

 Yoo, Eunhye. 2011. “International Human Rights Regime, Neoliberalism, and Cultural Contexts: Women’s Social Rights, 1984-­ ‐ 2004.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 52(6): 504-­ ‐ 529.